At POP & Co we stand for People, Optimisation and Profit

We care about your business and we are here to help you get it to where you need it to be.
Little details matter to us. It is often these details that can make something good, great.
We have seen what collaborative efforts can accomplish across the world, and we want to make it happen for your business.

When we combine our efforts, you are going to have more time and peace of mind to focus on what matters the most for your business.

Our team has over 20 years of experience in accounting, HR and business support services and we are here to make work easier for you.

POP was born in Australia, however, we are a borderless business and we aim to make your transition to us as smooth and seamless as possible. Our teams work across time zones, cultures and unite towards one goal. We hold not just the finances, but ourselves accountable in the way we work.

What makes us, us?

We like to think of ourselves as five fingers of a hand, each finger different from the other with diverse skills and intriguing personalities coming together to pack a mighty punch.

Our logo is a flower, with each colored petal resonating one of our core values, together blooming for progress.

Need more information? Check out our frequently asked questions.

Is my data secure?

We take IT security very seriously and ensure that our business operations and ethics are in compliance with the Australian Data Protection Act which means that our servers and cloud software are encrypted and firewalled.

Can you use my software?

We are proficient with many softwares that are in the market already  but are able to train our team to manage client specific software too.

Can you create custom reports?

Understanding and analysing where we are is key to progress to where we need to be. As such, we can manage.